With the help of the Hint, we first evaluate the term H^Ψ(x,t) and then put it back to calculate the integral.
H^Ψ(x,t)=H^(21ψ1(x)e−ℏiE1t+23ψ2(x)e−ℏiE2t)=21e−ℏiE1tH^ψ1(x)+23e−ℏiE2tH^ψ2(x)Where in this step, the H^ passes the e−ℏiEnt phase terms because the phase is only a function of time and has no x dependency. Therefore, the operators in H^=−2mℏ∂x2∂2+V(x) have no effect on it. Next, we have=21e−ℏiE1tE1ψ1(x)+23e−ℏiE2tE2ψ2(x), where we used the H^ψn(x)=Enψn(x) property. If we look closely, we see that the term H^Ψ(x,t) is very similar to Ψ(x,t) with the difference that each ψn(x) component is multiplied by the corresponding energy En. This means the whole integral can be evaluated very similar to the previous parts as
∫Ψ∗(x,t)H^Ψ(x,t)dx=∫(21ψ1e−ℏiE1t+23ψ2e−ℏiE2t)∗(21E1ψ1e−ℏiE1t+23E2ψ2e−ℏiE2t)dx=∫(21ψ1∗eℏiE1t+23ψ2∗eℏiE2t)(21E1ψ1e−ℏiE1t+23E2ψ2e−ℏiE2t)dx=∫(41E1ψ1∗ψ1+43E1ψ2∗ψ1eℏi(E2−E1)t+43E2ψ1∗ψ2eℏi(E1−E2)t+43E2ψ2∗ψ2)dx=41E1δ11+43E1δ21eℏi(E2−E1)t+43E2δ12eℏi(E1−E2)t+43E2δ22=41E1+43E2. As we can see, the expectation value of energy does not change over time thus it is conserved!